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Stories are 


They don’t tell you what to think, they have the power to make you feel.  

“The shortest distance between truth and the human heart is a story.”


-Anthony DeMello 

About Undocumented Stories

 Undocumented Stories it's a project gives voice to the men, women, and children who daily suffer under current U.S. immigration policies.  Undocumented Stories connects and educates people through storytelling. We explore the authentic human struggle of people seeking equality and human rights.


Undocumented Stories offerings include:   


·        Storytelling events (in person and online), in which three to five Latino immigrants share their stories in front of a live audience.  

·        A traveling gallery of of personal, handwritten stories from members of the immigrant Latino community.  These stories were collected in different immigration clinics, events, and gatherings in Austin, Texas, throughout 2017-2018. More than one hundred handwritten stories have been collected, preserved, and translated into English.   â€¯â€¯ 

·        Workshops about immigration, including the “Five Immigration Myths and a Plan of Action.”   

·        An online course called “The Truth in Our Stories”, with a theological reflection offered with a facilitator.   

·        A book called “The Truth in Our Stories,” which is an excellent educational resource for congregations, small groups, youth groups and schools to further their understanding of the complex topic of immigration.    

·        Children's books: “Holy Stranger” which tells the story of Jesus, as an immigrant; and Doki: the immigrant dog,” which tells the true story of a dog that came on foot all the way from Venezuela to the Texas/Mexico border with his family seeking asylum. 








A story telling event, or simply displaying the handwritten stories, will have an impact in your organization.  

"When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.  You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."    


-Leviticus 19:33-34 


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